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Primary School After School Activity
The Primary School offers a variety of paid and unpaid Additional School Activities, that encourage the application of academic, cultural, practical, artistic, linguistic and creative skills in a fun and safe learning environment.
The process (please be aware this may change from year to year)
- A Catalogue will be emailed to parents approximately 2 weeks before the activities begin in Term 1 and Term 2.
- The sign up process for ASAs is through online sign up ONLY.
- The online sign up will be via a Google Form and will be active when the Catalogue is emailed to parents.
- To sign up online, parents simply click on the link that will be emailed directly to them and it’s as simple as following the instructions.
Please note:
- Each child will be able to sign up for only one free teacher-led activity per term through the online registration.
- Once the form has been submitted, parents can consider their child registered for that activity. A confirmation will be sent via email and paper copy once the registration closes (parents will be advised of this date).
- Parents are asked not to contact Teachers directly to register for activities as only on-line registrations through the Google form will be (with the exception of Islamic and Arabic activities).
- We will do our best to place each child in their first choice activity, however as each activity has limited spaces due to health and safety concerns, we cannot guarantee placement .
- Once the activities have started, parents are asked to please, not make their own arrangements to change their child’s activity. This creates a number of issues that impacts on other children, staff and the safety of the students.
- Please be advised that registration for free activities will be on a first received, first placed basis.
Examples of free Teacher-led ASA’s offered
- Reading Arabic Stories
- Instrument Making
- Ball Skills and Team Games
- Art and Craft Club
- Chess & Board Games
- Debate Club
- Guitar
- Jewelry Making
Examples of paid ASA’s offered
- Gymnastics
- Ballet
- French Club
- Danish Club
- Mad Science
- Little Master Mind